Raw milk

Raw Milk

2024-04-25T12:04:25-08:00April 10th, 2024|

Do I drink it? Yes. Am I a sovereign citizen? Depends on my mood. (Written version here.) Listen to Smart Mouth: iTunes • Google Podcasts • Pandora • Spotify • TuneIn • Libsyn • Amazon Music Check out all our episodes so far here. If you like, pledge a [...]

Smart Mouth Newsletter: The Problem with Raw Milk: It’s Annoying

2024-03-18T21:37:14-08:00March 15th, 2024|

by Katherine Spiers " We had a discussion a while back in the Smart Mouth Patreon about raw milk, but since then it’s become an ever more popular topic. And, a few weeks ago, the farm I buy raw milk from had a recall. I came to raw [...]


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