
Thrilling Tales of Old Video Games: Hard Hats in the Mushroom Kingdom

2024-01-08T14:34:07-08:00December 31st, 2023|

"Sometimes things are a lot like other things! This is one of these — and despite the thumbnail image telling you that there is some Mega Man content here, this is, alas, also a Mario-related post. In an early post on this site, I wrote about Pac-Man’s name [...]

Thrilling Tales of Old Video Games: Christmas Eve on Shooting Star Summit

2023-12-27T19:00:22-08:00December 27th, 2023|

"This is not a Mario blog, although you could be forgiven for thinking that. Personally, I blame Nintendo. The one-two punch of Super Mario Bros. Wonder and then the Super Mario RPG remake was just too much in a short amount of time, and as a result, the [...]


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