Hey, remember parties? It might seem like ancient history when we could have carefree gatherings, but in this episode, we’re looking specifically at the parties held during a period of ancient history. Antony and Cleopatra might be famous for being lovers and political figures, but in their day they were also famous for throwing parties so over-the-top that we can only hope to have a chance to attempt their levels of festiveness one day.

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Listen to Hadley’s other podcast, Underbelly L.A. It’s not quite as sunny, but it’s a fun dive into history nonetheless.

Every episode of Happy History is researched, written and narrated by Hadley Meares. Happy History is produced by Drew Mackie and edited by Meika Grimm. The logo was designed by Sarah Wickham. The intro song is “Together We Can” by Hedkandi.

This is a TableCakes podcast.